The Joy Chronicles Book 1 Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution The first book in The Joy Chronicles leads us down the Path of Sweetness as author Joy Elaine discovers a part of herself that has been living on a different dimension. As she connects with this 10th dimensional version of herself, she begins
The Joy Chronicles Book 2 Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution The second book in The Joy Chronicles offers you the opportunity to participate in a more active manner in your personal evolution as well as in the evolution of Earth. If you wish to pull up a chair at one of the Joy
The Joy Chronicles Book 3 Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution Dramatic and unexpected events in Book Three of The Joy Chronicles create some bumps in the road for the Joy Council. Low points include: assassination, war, a bicycle wreck and Mooshea spit. High points (and there are many) include: Swizzler adoption, jousting, history
The Joy Chronicles Book 4 Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution In Book Four of The Joy Chronicles, other universes form Joy Councils, but it is touch and go until Liponie goes undercover to rescue a key figure in restoring peace and the team finally captures the mastermind (with supernatural powers) behind the plot
The Joy Chronicles Book 5 Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution In Return of Dragons, an intervention to prevent dragons from being lured to their deaths in the past is implemented since that method of trickery could also have been the means to kill the new dragon prince, Joyyah. He is born on Mother’s
The Joy Chronicles Book 6 Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution In Spaceship Earth, worldwide disaster is forestalled by implementing an unprecedented strategy. After that dust settles, the team must figure out how to dispose of nine-million-year-old toxic waste left by the Annunaki. Other remarkable events include: Arthur and Guinevere tell their story; scoops