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The Swizzlers

Evolution of the Swizzlers

July 1, 2024, Speaking with Charlie at the Council – read more

February 9, 2024: Birthday Celebration on Hosemelia – read more

February 13, 2023, Valentine’s Day on Lyra – read more

October 2022: Halloween Plansread more

April 2022 at the Joy Council – For Easter the Swizzlers hunted eggs … read more

February 2022 on Hosemelia – The Swizzlers are having a bowling tournament … read more

September 15, 2021 – Sheliah’s fairy garden: Read more

Father’s Day June 2021 – Charlie speaks to Tonas: Read more

May 2021 – At the Joy Council speaking to Charlie: Read more

March 2, 2021 – Charlie, what happened to your Mickey Mouse shoes? Read more

January 22, 2021Cards with Charlie, Read more

December 2020:

We are celebrating Christmas on Hosemelia. Liponie created a North Pole extravaganza … read more

Tonas says, “It has been an eventful day. The children realized they can’t be hurt by rubber bands … read more

November 2020:

We are on Hosemelia (The non-dual planet in our universe that Tonas and Liponie created for us … read more

August 2020 at the Joy Council: 

At the Joy Council: “Oh, hello, Mommy. Papa and I don’t smoke cigars, not ever! Not ever will we even when we’re growned up … read more

These pages are for those of you who have fallen in love with the Swizzlers and want to know what they are up to now.

You don’t meet Charlie, Swizzler #1, as he appears now, until the second book Blossoming of Love. In book one he is part of an energy consciousness calling itself the Council for Earth Vigilance (CEV). In book two the ninety-four beings in this group decided they would be better able to assist the Earth by becoming physical. The directives they gave Liponie, our genie, in creating their bodies were: they didn’t want to appear human and they wanted to be androgenous.

Liponie made them into three-foot-tall, liquid crystalline swizzle sticks. They are flexible, and now that they are fire-proof, they are indestructible. They can be broken, (Jumping off a building a/la Mary Poppins with an umbrella did not work!) but they don’t feel pain. They do not get tired and they do not sleep so they are always up to something! Several of my blog articles detail their antics.

Although they existed as an energy collective since the beginning of creation, their physical versions, according to JFK, were about like five-year-old children when they incarnated in 2014. They received their souls from the Creator on September 22, 2014 so that is the day we celebrate their birthday.

In book three, A Wish Granted, Charlie vocalized that he would like a mother. I promptly adopted him and his ninety-three siblings and volunteered Commander Tonas to be their papa. This was the best decision I every made!

Although Charlie taught a few of his brothers and sisters to say a few words, they normally converse among themselves telepathically. He is the only one who speaks with me verbally. He has orange hair (his favorite color), a real button for a nose, eyes that are black dots inside small plastic bubbles and wax lips. He almost always wears a pair of Mickey Mouse shoes.

I have seen the Swizzlers in the future when we are non-dual and they look like regular little boys and girls. But for now it is safer for them to be inorganic.