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Book Review Offer

The Joy Chronicles Book Review Offer

Thank you for your interest in reviewing my books. If you post a review of book one, “Path of Sweetness,” on Amazon*, I will send you an eBook of book two, “Blossoming of Love,” as a thank you. If you review book two on Amazon, I will send you eBook three, “A Wish Granted,” and so on. Books five and six are being rewritten and won’t be available until later this year.


Although the books are chronological, if you want to start with a book other than book one, be my guest.


To receive a book to review, please email me with Book Review as the subject. Indicate which book you wish to review, and I will send it to you ASAP.


*How to post a review on Amazon:


      • Go to the Kindle page of the book you wish to review.
      • Hold your mouse on the stars.
      • Click on See all customer reviews.
      • The Customer Reviews page opens up
      • On the left hand side of the page, click the button that says “Write a customer review.”


After you have written it, either send me a screen shot of your post or the link at the top of the page that shows your review. Please tell me your name.


Note: As long as you have spent $50.00 on Amazon for any product, they will allow you to post a review.