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Thank you very much for joining us today. I’m Joy Elaine, and I am the author of The Joy Chronicles. The most exciting part about implementing this world mission with the Ashtar Command, is that you, and they, are going to be holding the space and lighting the way for tremendous shifts on our planet. We will be working directly with Gaia herself and supporting the work that the Ashtar Command is non-manipulatively implementing for Earth.
Although the Ashtar Command is comprised of non-dual masters, there are many things they are not allowed to do, because this is our world. We are the ones who get to choose what gets implemented here on Earth and foreigners from other planets don’t get to make choices. They can hold the space for us, and they can light the way for amazing opportunities that we fuel and support just like the angels and guides working with us. We, though, are the ones that call the shots here on planet Earth.
As you read on the first slide, I am going to offer you an SVH screen viewing procedure that will enhance your innate abilities, and your participation in this world work. If you have already viewed the SVH screen on another of these missions, you are prepared to do an enhanced version of any or all of the other missions without repeating this process. Simply skip ahead now to the slide that begins this mission.
If you haven’t yet looked at the SVH screen, here’s what to do. Find a quiet place, sit back, close your eyes, and imagine a screen before you—a movie, computer or TV screen.
- Silently ask the Creator to load onto your screen the enhancements, as well as any SVH shields and clearings that will benefit you.
- Even if you see only darkness, a part of you can see what is on the screen.
- Silently ask the Creator (or God, Goddess), if it is okay for the Creator to activate this SVH work for you.
- When you receive an affirmative sense or knowing, all you have to do to have the SVH work immediately put into place is to say or think, “yes!”
- Pause here to allow yourself time to receive your affirmative answer.
As soon as you said, “yes,” the mission began. Archangel Michael automatically moved with you either backward or forward in time (in the current calendar year) into the command center of the ship that is most dedicated to assisting you. Once you were aboard, the commander of the ship moved it, cloaked, of course, into the dimensional frame and position that is most aligned with your mission.
As you are standing in the command center, take a moment to choose to be an instrument in assisting the Creator, Gaia and all the masters, angels and guides to be able to assist Earth and those living upon her—including yourself, of course . . . As you call forth the Creator, masters, angels and guides, you also begin transmitting unconditional love from your heart chakra. As you do this, sense, feel and tune into what would most benefit the area where your ship is stationed. You might be over Zimbabwe or South Dakota, because you chose the ship that is most in alignment with your assistance.
Feel Gaia connecting with you and transmitting to you an incredible vision that your subconscious grasps. Draw it into the center of your heart and feel your kundalini cycling through your body this important mission for Gaia. She has given you permission to hand this off to the others that are on the ship so that they can hold the space with you. You can feel yourself standing with the others in front of the big viewing windows of the ship as all of you are transmitting these incredible encoded healing vibrations to the planet Earth. Pause here, if you wish, to enjoy the view, and to send your transmission.
Feel the unconditional love that you have for our planet and for everything that exists upon it. See yourself as an instrument that is choosing to be like a lamplighter for all those who are ready to awaken. Continue to transmit and feel the camaraderie from all the individuals on the ship, as well as the angels, masters and guides that are supporting the transmission of the encodements you received from Gaia herself. If you wish, you may pause here as long as you like so that you may continue transmitting.
Now that you are finished, just reach over and take Archangel Michael’s hand. See, or pretend to see him, know he’s there and that he will step you back into your physical presence.
Thank you for your support and thanks to the Ashtar Command, Gaia, the masters, guides and angels of light who are assisting us.
For more information about SVH, you may visit my other website, www.thejoyoflife.info