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Gaia on Current Events


I am opening the way—making a clearer channel forward—for those who are ready to evolve at a greater pace. Those who are choosing chaos or to maintain their third dimensional mindsets will be allowed to do so. It is their privilege to be and do as such.


I am opening the fields of energy so that those choosing neutrality, harmony, peacefulness and the evolution to the higher resonations of places to be that are buffered from the lesser energies. When this occurs, then it is possible to co-exist with those individuals who are choosing to stay in the lesser energies. In other words, you will be in a balanced energy that is able to accept and bless those at their pace and still evolve.


Gaia: This is the integration, my dear.

Me: Do you have any idea how long this integration period will last?

Gaia: It is in the hands of yourself and others. As the individuals who are choosing to evolve integrate more into the elevated energies, they will become more immune to that sense of being anchored into the conglomeration of all the different energies. They will only feel themselves, rising and matching the energies of all those others who are in the same energy frequencies, vibrations and consciousness focus. It might be a month, two months or even more; however, every day brings one closer.


Me: Other than being neutral and finding things to enjoy, how can we access these higher energies?

Gaia: Live in the present, for our past is checkered.


If someone was to ask me, ‘What shall I do about this war?’ I would say, bless all the people involved. Those creating, those participating and those who are falling victim to what is being created in their realm. I would say to pray for them, hold a high vision of peace, not only there, but throughout our world.

We have a history of many thousands of years of wars much bloodier and barbaric. This is a time where it matters what we put our energy toward. Healing and elevating or continuation of the same. If one wishes to become agitated about situations, they are feeding that which is in an outer circle. It is not within the center of that which is in the higher focus for any outcome—it is on the fringe. As individuals send energy which matches that lesser energy, it truly feeds that lesser energy rather than helping to heal.


If people would like us to be cooler, perhaps they can choose that it is cooler. If they would like our air to be cleaner, perhaps they can choose that it is.

When enough of the positive thoughts form, the ways are open, and the means are at the fingertips. Individuals are choosing every day what they will do with their lives. There are answers at every turn. You cannot find them if you are frustrated, angry, or judging. You are co-creating with others and that co-creation is fueling whatever the energy moves it toward.

If you choose to only give energy to positives, healing and balance, then the answers come and join with all the other energies like unto your own. This begins a new wave of creating.


May all be blessed and brought into the highest joy and gratitude and the visions for what they would wish. So many of those who are a part of us believe they do not have the privilege to choose. One can choose there is no war; one can choose that the environment is more balanced; one can choose that their thoughts are creating that more graceful tomorrow.


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