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My intent in sharing these stories involving the Swizzlers is that whether or not you laugh out loud, chuckle or sometimes even shed a tear, the happenings that I report will open your heart wide so that you can experience the same deep love that I do for these young/old children I am proud to call my own.
This story is about a recent interaction I had with my son Charlie (Swizzler Number 1) and Friday (formerly known as Swizzler Number 62). The Swizzlers (known in Path of Sweetness as the Council for Earth Vigilance) have been developing their individuality since book two, Blossoming of Love, when Liponie, the genie at our Joy Council, created ninety-four, three foot tall, liquid crystalline bodies resembling swizzle sticks for them to inhabit. (At that time they didn’t want to look human or even have a gender. Read my blog about them for a deeper understanding.)
Charlie explains that Friday “does not feel fulfilled” because all the Swizzlers are brushing their teeth many times a day in order to keep themselves like little boys and girls. Friday tries to brush but since he only has mustache lips that action is impossible for him to accomplish. (Friday initially chose not to have lips, teeth or a mouth because he didn’t want to eat.)
Charlie’s first attempt to circumvent Friday’s aversion to having a mouth was to give him a Mr. Potato Head nose and then “put some good smellin’ foods under it.” Charlie reports to me that he thinks Friday is darned close to having teeth, and now that he has a big nose he had to get a bigger mustache so he didn’t look silly.
Instead of making any comments about Friday’s choice of nose or mustache, I ask him to join us and then sit down right next to him. I remind him that if he wants to brush his teeth he first needs to have some. I can feel that Friday agrees with me and, emboldened by his acquiescence, I add that having teeth doesn’t mean he has to use them to eat. Charlie reports that Friday likes this idea.
Then I have an inspired idea and explain that “having lips and some nice teeth would be a great way to enhance your mustache.” Charlie says, “Ooh, you made his eyes blink a lot. I’m making a suggestion that I could make some sketches.”
Charlie doesn’t understand my advice to Friday that his face should have harmony and says, “Yes, all the singin’ is gonna make it even better. All he can do now is hum.”
“By harmony I meant that everything should look good together. The mustache should look good with the mouth, which should look good with the teeth and nose.”
Charlie agrees that I am right and adds that “rejection of lips and teeth is OK; however, what if you were rejectin’ legs? Then what would you do? You would just be sittin’ there like a mushroom. (Laughing, I agree that lips and teeth are part of the package.) You got a name now. You gotta get some lips. Mommy is right. Your mustache is gonna be exceptional ‘cause if you get some really big teeth then what will happen is your mustache will really frame your mouth. Papa Tonas is shakin’ his head and he loves you even if you don’t have nose hairs.”
I don’t know how nose hair got into the conversation and am slightly relieved when Charlie reports that Friday has decided to have the Mr. Potato Head nose without nose hairs. Now I finally learn the story behind Number 51’s nose hairs and Friday’s mustache. It seems that on one of the trips I took with the Swizzlers (While I travel they accompany me in a ring I wear.) they noticed a man with a mustache and nose hairs. Charlie feels that Friday’s choice to have only a mustache was a wise one.
I quietly and gently advise my son to speak softly about the nose hair choice since Swizzler 51 has a large crop of it. Charlie explains that as soon as fifty-one saw the man he was determined to have nose hair too. (I don’t remember seeing anybody that hairy.) I finish my conversation with Friday by suggesting that he work with Charlie on additions to his face and tell him that I’m excited to find out what he chooses.
All future LTYBH stories will be posted on the blog page on my www.joyelaine.com website and on Facebook. Please join in the love and laughter Tonas and I share with our ninety-four beautiful children.
Joy Elaine, luckiest mom in all the universes
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