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Fairies and their Gardens, Elves and Dwarfs


In case you’re wondering why you’ve never seen any fairies, it’s because, for their safety, they currently exist on dimensions that are a tiny bit off from the dimensions humans exist upon. The way they can interact with humans that keeps them safe is to open a window in their garden and stick their arm or their head out into where we live.  They will never, until we reach the 8th dimension, come completely out of their gardens to interact with you.

Perhaps you’re thinking that maybe there just aren’t any fairies where you live. According to Gaia, there are 23,562,812 fairies and the only places where there are no fairy gardens are in deserts which are mostly devoid of greenery (for example the Sahara), the oceans or Antarctica. If you live in the Arctic region there is one huge fairy garden there and the queen’s name is Low.

Gaia said that even deserts that have many things growing—cactus and other plants and animals—do have fairy gardens. Towns that are really bleak and look devoid of greenery were not always so; for example, Cairo was a lush land of green long ago and remains that way even now in the garden of the fairies.

Although there is only one fairy queen per garden, there can be thirty or even more than sixty fairies in one garden, which means that you have the potential to see many fairies in the garden that exists off dimension from your location.

Fairies are only two inches tall, and although they can all manifest wings, the queen of each garden is the only one who always has wings.


Sheliah, the fairy that I knew when I was a little girl and am re-united with in book one, Path of Sweetness, explained to me that the fairies take into their gardens the trees, plants and animals that we kill. She explained that there is a special garden where, for example, the cows go to continue enjoying being a cow and when it is time for them to die naturally, they lie down and turn into sparklies.

In book seven, Anything is Possible, I ask Gaia if Boris will experience death again in Sheliah’s fairy garden. (Boris is a caterpillar I meet in Sheliah’s garden in book six, Spaceship Earth. He ended up in her garden because someone had used him for fishing bait.)

Gaia explains that it is possible but instead of calling it death, she says it is a transition into a different energy. Of course then I have to ask her if she thinks Boris will transition; I don’t like the idea that he might have to “transition” again. She says he might but it is difficult to know. She adds that he will transition when he is ready.

“So he could live for a really long time and then choose to transition?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Is it a conscious choice to make a transition or is it just like ‘poof,’ and he’ll be gone.”

“It is a poof.”

I was afraid she’d say that. At least nothing ages or gets sick in the fairy gardens.


“I know you told me it is always summer in the fairy gardens, but I’m trying to discern if and how the gardens change. What happens to a flower blossom when it’s through blooming? Here, the blooms age, die and fall off.”

Gaia says that is not so in the fairy gardens. Since I still haven’t found out exactly what happens to the blessed flower blossom, I rephrase my question to, “Once a flower blooms, does it stay blooming all the time?”

“Of course.”

“Does it add new blooms?”

“Yes, and sometimes the energy changes and now it is a little bud.”

“You’re saying that in the fairy gardens a flower could start, grow and then change its appearance back to a bud?”


“That’s pretty confusing. Can you explain it more, Gaia?”

“My dear, if a flower wishes to be a bud again, it simply becomes that.”

“If a tree in a fairy garden decided it was tired of being a tree, it could just disappear?”

“And become a rock if it wishes.”

I’m starting to get the picture that instead of being never changing realms, like I’ve pictured them, creation is very fluid in the fairy gardens. One moment you’re looking at a tree and then a big rock is sitting in that place, hmm…


“Before we started the Joy Councils, did the queens actually leave their gardens for the meetings you had every several thousand years?”

Gaia explains that she “spirited them to a meeting place,” but now they stay in their gardens and connect in the theaters designed for meetings. I also learn that elves stay in their own gardens, dwarfs stay in their own gardens and although there are no dwarf or elf kings, there is a hierarchy. Elf and dwarf gardens can exist in the area where a fairy garden is, but they don’t share it.

“How many elves are there?”

Gaia says that there are 42,000 elves. She actually called them Elvis.

“How many dwarfs?”

“They are in short supply; there are six thousand, three hundred and eighty.”

“Do we need more dwarfs?”

“These are all that are necessary.”


“Give me some examples of what a fairy wand does.”

“You can point to or touch something with it to transform it. It can grow a baby chicken into a grown up chicken instantly. The power behind the wand is the spirit of harmony.”

“I know Sheliah said that the queen could make a fairy house, but the fairies like to make their own, right?”

“They adore it. Whatever it is that they vision, they can create and they do not have to use only materials that are already in their gardens.”

“What is the main job of the fairies?”

“The fairies exist to support and to speak to the lands and all that grows, even the sand.”

(Without the fairies, Earth would be dead!)

“What would be some of the things they would say to the land?”

“They would not use words; it would be a constant, for the spirit of the fairy gives a great deal of acceptance and harmony to those that are in witness. Simply to see a fairy makes a frog happy.”

“I intend to help people see fairies at the different places I speak. I hope that the work I’ve done with SVH has made it safe for the fairies for me to do that.”

“It will be very safe.”

“Is there anything else you can tell me about fairies that I should know?”

“Their hearts are of gold; they are pure light and they love. They are like little children in their minds, and yet they are so wise. They have the vision of goodness for all beings in their hearts. All they ever focus upon is happiness and goodness. I must tell you that the wand can open the heart and the mind of someone who is conked by it.”

“I’m going to ask the fairy queens at the places where I speak to conk people there.”

“This is very progressive. I believe the people will love this very much. The fairies will love it!”



Note: Sheliah’s home in my dimension is located at the base of one of the trees in the background; however, in her garden it would always be summer.

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