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According to Gaia, there are 23,562,812 fairies on Earth. There are many fairy gardens and each garden has a fairy queen. Gaia supplied the following fairy queen names for me:
Amelia, OH—Mowteeah
Arctic—This garden covers a very large region and the queen’s name is Low.
Auckland, New Zealand—Feesah
Avebury, England—Pahtee is the queen and Chochee is her partner.
Beloit, WI—Sassy
Belvidere, IL—Booshe
Berkeley, CA—Sahdeeuh
Bloomington, IN—Chulee became queen in April 2016; Bobo is her partner; Fossie is the former queen
Boston, MA—Two queens—Poesee and Hoenee
Bridgewater, NJ—Sehree
Chicago, IL—Two queens—Fournee and Hahmpoh
Cincinnati, OH—Toorah
Denver, CO—Yohnee
Freeport, IL—Lowsee
Farm where I spent my first years—Lolalah was the queen originally. Sheliah became queen then Jazzameen became queen when Sheliah became an emissary.
Indianapolis, IN—Jassie
Italy—Queen Cornelia’s garden is in a region called Fironea and there are no big cities—mostly villages
Jacksonville, FL—Ohshe
Janesville, WI—Weewee or with a French flair OuiOui
London, England—Four queens—Pahnah, Lowhah, Judee, (accent on dee) and Poenuh who has pink hair.
Loves Park, IL—Pokie
Madison, WI—This is a large garden and the queen is Trayeye.
Milford, OH—Cohkey
Minneapolis, MN—Three queens—Lowgee, Crowme and Metee
New York, NY—Sowmuh
Oakland, CA—Two queens—Hoetee and Minnee (accent on nee and her garden would include the Sacred Well Bookstore)—63 fairies in Minnee’s garden
Oregon, IL—Toesah
Oregon, WI—Trayno
Paris, France—Five queens—Notee, Rah, Fionee, Kahnee, Poot (who likes to wear orange)
Phoenix, AZ—Gaia calls this is a pinnacle city because a pinnacle of great energy radiates outward from that point. There are sixty or more pinnacle cities. Myohmee is the queen.
Portland, OR—Ee
Raleigh, SC—Feelow
Rockford, IL—Queen Coohrum has red hair
San Diego, CA—Queen Fohneesah
San Francisco, CA—This garden includes some of the redwood trees. Lahtee is queen
Seattle, WA—Binee (accent on nee)
Sidney, Australia—Chahlee
South Beloit, IL—Mossnee
Vancouver, BC Canada—Bahntee
Westerly, RI—Chahyah
Zurich, Switzerland—Three queens—Summa, Careeoheeuh and Kaykeeuh
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