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I recently visited with my fairy friends, Sheliah (you meet her in Book One of the Joy Chronicles: Path of Sweetness) and Rosebud (you meet him in Book Two: Blossoming of Love) in their fairy garden. Rosebud mentioned that he had a plan he wanted to share with me. Here’s what he said:
Wisdom about Partnering from the Fairy Rosebud:
“I would like to say that the most important thing about being a partner is in anticipating the needs of the other, then to get out of the way to let them have it. If your partner wants to create it, then it is OK. It is OK for them to have what they want. If you just get out of the way, that is honoring. Let them have it, and sit there having good thoughts about it.”
(I think that’s a great plan, especially the part about having good thoughts about what your partner chooses to create.) Then I asked Sheliah, a former fairy queen who is now the emissary for all the fairies of Earth, what she would like for the people of Earth to know.
Wisdom from Sheliah, Emissary for all the Fairies:
“I would like to say that the world is a very beautiful place, and if everybody sees the beauty in it, it will continue to grow to be shiny and bea-u-ti-ful. And if everybody remembers how they would love to be treated by one another, then they will remember to be kind to each other.
“It is important to remember that the animals and the plants want to be loved. If you see a tree that is not so happy, then give it love! Give it lots and lots and lots of love. And if you see any animals that are sad and mistreated, don’t forget to love them ever more so. If they are all sad it means that they are not getting lots of love to help them have a better life.
The Most Important Thing is What the Heart Says:
“Also, I think it is important for everyone to remember that no matter what they think, not matter what anybody tells them, the most important thing is what their heart says. What their heart tells them is almost always the best thing for the moment. Sometimes their heart says things ‘cause it wants something that maybe is not so good, but if their heart says, ‘Yes, I wish to love everybody,’ then they should listen to that. The heart knows.”
Assistance with Clearing False Information about the Fairies:
Their words are also part of a YouTube video I have just completed titled “Crystalline Windows into Fairy Gardens,” which you’ll find below. The recording includes a clearing to help you release false information you may have read, heard about or viewed in a movie about Earth keepers such as fairies, elves and dwarfs. I also have a formula in place so that if you have questions about the fairies, you may receive telepathic answers from your Higher Self, the fairies, and/or Gaia. Finally, there is also the potential for you to view a hologram which will reflect answers to you.
It is my honor and pleasure to assist you to see into the fairy garden nearest you. Fairy Queen Minnee, one of the fairy queens for Oakland, California, wants you to know (I do, too!) that “Fairies are real.”
Joy Elaine
PS: Click here for information about places where I will be speaking and autographing copies of my books. Books are available on Kindle.
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