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You meet the original version of the Swizzlers in Book One of the Joy Chronicles, Path of Sweetness. At that time, they were a collective of ninety-four energy beings who chose to speak simultaneously through one of their number designated as the “Supreme Overseer.” My interpretation of their name was the Council for Earth Vigilance (I shortened this to CEV for convenience.) Their job was overseeing anything any of the galactic races applied for Earth and they had been doing that since forever.
Conversation with me was initially a little bit challenging for them. They had only ever communicated telepathically and ninety-four beings speaking through one individual caused that one voice to be very gravelly-sounding. As they began working with me and the Joy Councils, they were very excited to be able to assist Earth’s evolution in a more direct manner.
In Book Two, Blossoming of Love, they asked to be able to incarnate on Earth since they felt they would be able to be of even more assistance by living here. Using SVH methods, I assisted them to incarnate into a crystal in my home. Not too long after that they told me they would like to have bodies at the Joy Council (at that time it was on the 10th dimension of our Moon) but they didn’t want a body that had been “real.” They were considering having the body of a cartoon figure—perhaps Mickey Mouse—until the Overseer realized that Mickey and Minnie were male and female. These criteria—not real and no gender—had me stumped and I asked permission to hand this task over to Liponie, our resident genie and a master at any kind of design challenge.
Liponie put them each into a three foot tall swizzle stick; they are flexible since their encasement is liquid crystalline. One, the overseer, chose to have a mouth so that the others could continue to speak through him. Liponie, who loves to create, felt his expertise was under-employed and told me disconsolately, “They have legs, they have arms, they have eyes, their heads are but a swizzle; they are very unique. They were very insistent not to be representative of anything that has been before. I was creative; I made them a swizzle.”
But this was only the beginning of their uniqueness. In Book Three, A Wish is Granted, they requested and received individual souls and they have been non-stop exploring ever since then trying to do and be everything to make up for the time when they were only energy. Since they are non-organic, they never get tired and they don’t need to sleep. Charlie, formerly the Supreme Overseer, is still speaking for the majority of them although he has taught a few of them to say a few words. Many of them still do not have mouths but they are exploring their individuality in other ways.
Before I go into more detail about their choices, let me tell you that Charlie’s full name is Charlie Brown. When I asked him about that choice, he first wanted to know if I would be disappointed if he told me it was because of the cartoon Charlie Brown. When I told him no, he said that he liked the cartoon of Charlie Brown very much and he was thinking the name to honor Charlie Brown.
This choice might give you an inkling of why I have fallen so deeply in love with my Swizzler children. (Yes, I appointed myself their mother and selected Tonas as their papa when Charlie told me they would like to have a mommy and a papa.) Collectively they are geniuses; individually, they are innocent, loving and child-like.
Take, for example, the dress the Swizzlers created for me. Usually I show up at the council in some gorgeous gown that Liponie designs for me, but one day Tonas told me I was wearing a Popsicle stick dress made by them. Charlie explained that almost all the Swizzlers were involved in eating the Popsicles and licking the sticks except for the ones that didn’t have a mouth. Number 62 was exempt because he has moustache hair lips (yes, moustache hair for lips) and they didn’t want the hair to get stuck in the bubble gum that they all chewed. They used the gum to hold the Popsicle sticks of my dress together because they were afraid glue wouldn’t give when I moved. Charlie warned me not to move fast. I remember standing very still and praying that I wouldn’t fall down; I’d never get the pieces of the dress off me if I did. But, of course, I loved the dress and I was honestly able to tell Charlie that it was the most unique one I’d ever had. He was glad I liked it.
As of this writing, I only have information about sixty-one of the Swizzlers. Charlie, Number 1, furnishes me information about the others since, as I mentioned, most of them still don’t speak. Charlie has orange hair (his favorite color) that is shoulder-length and looks like the flat pieces of material used for brushes you find at the car wash. He has a real button for a nose and his eyes consist of a black dot that rolls around in a clear plastic bubble. He has decided to wait until Earth is non-dual before becoming an organic boy. I’ve seen him in the future and he’s very handsome.
Other Swizzler facts: Number 2 chose the name Tarzan and has a cat named Jane. (Johnny Weissmuller, former actor who played Tarzan, was at the council teaching Charlie how to swing from grapevines.) Number 3 briefly had dreadlocks (He’s bald now.) and black fingernails. He removes his lips when Charlie asks him a question and he doesn’t want to speak. Number 9 is transparent and said, “You can always know what you got when you got me.”
A couple of them chose to have trombone heads for a period of time after watching The Music Man. One likes polka dots so much that he wanted to have them all over his body; we persuaded him just to wear polka-dotted clothes. Number 51 has three belly buttons (yes, real buttons and none are in the right place on his belly). One likes to dress like the Statue of Liberty; another likes to ride bear-back (Liponie created a version of Smokey the Bear for him.); a couple of them look like little old men—they said they were as old as time and wanted to look their age.
I never know what they will be up to next, but the one thing that never varies is that they love Tonas and me completely…and we feel the same way about them…our lovely and unique Swizzler children.
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