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LTYBH—Swizzle Olympics

This Laugh Til Your Belly Hurts incident happened in book three, A Wish is Granted, in October 2014. When the ninety-four Swizzlers (see blog article about them for more information) work together as a collective they are super geniuses. On an individual basis, former president JFK assessed them at that time as being about the equivalent of a five year old human child. Add this to the facts that they are eager to use their bodies to experience every physical endeavor that it is possible to experience, they never get tired and they never sleep, you can see that we needed to offer them many activities.

Liponie, the genie at our council, came up with the idea of having a Swizzler Olympics. So just imagine that I began laughing here and that my laughter continued either as a chuckle or an outright guffaw almost non-stop as Charlie related their Olympic story.


“There were many trials that were applied by all. The one that was the easiest was the sack race because it required being able to move in small places. Are you familiar with this Olympic challenge?” (Instead of questioning the appropriateness of having sack races as part of their Olympics, I reply that it is very hard and that I have done it.)


“It is very hard. The little sack was very difficult for the bigger people. For us, it was most simple for we have our arms that can become quite longer. The tight sack that went around both feet was easy for us to contact the edge of and we were able to make the leaping forward in a very short period of time. This was a challenge for the others for their heads were down past their knees and it was impossible for them to keep up with us. This was the challenge to break the ties and it was our great triumph.” (I ask who the other contestants were.)


“There were several that were of the knights and the Indians were very much involved. They were very crafty but they could not bend themselves and make their leaps as quickly as we. It was not of cheating, though it was in our mind of pogo stick.” (There is a vivid picture in my mind of the knights and Indians with their bodies bent double and their feet hobbled in tiny sacks trying to inch their way to the finish line while the Swizzlers are pogo jumping with ease right past them.)

I ask Charlie to tell me about some of the other events. He says that, “There was the throwing of the javelin; the javelin, at first, was to be one of us, but we protested.”


“Liponie suggested it was a joke, but I believe he was quite serious. The discus was very difficult for those who are not accustomed to holding heavy weights, and so this was not one of our greatest triumphs. (I wonder how they kept from toppling over.) The wrestling was difficult because Liponie insisted that we be greased from head to the toes and we had to remove our hair. We were naked and we triumphed greatly in this challenge. It was nearly impossible for the challengers to make us to pin.” ((There are gales of laughter coming from my mouth at this statement and tears are running down my face. Liponie seems to have unleashed his mischievous side for these games.)


“There was racing of the legs. (I have to remember that phrase.) You call this running.” We are tireless, just as all of these in presence here, and so, it was a funny game to play. There were no winners in this. All came in at the same time because we made our strides as big as those of the bigger people.”

Charlie continues by saying that the Swizzlers were champions of golf and that golf is their favorite game. I ask why and he explains that is because it is a game of precision. I ask Charlie if any of them were able to make a hole in one and he says they made the hole more than one time. I try to pin him down by mentioning that a game of golf has eighteen holes and ask him if that’s how they played.

He answers that there were many holes played and they played until they had to stop because there was so much work to do.


“We would like to not quit playing. Liponie says we are addict.” (I mention that happens here, too.)

“We have costumes for this. The pants are of checkered; the shirts match our hairs; there are color coordinated socks and shoes that have spikes in the bottom of them. Our hats are most interesting; they do not have tops, only the front.” (I congratulate Charlie on being in style but neglect to mention what era checkered pants would have been in style.)

“Liponie told us that we are very much in style. It is possible for us to manifest in physical when you are in the 8th dimension and people will not be shocked by us if we appear to be of golf.” (Maybe people will just think they are rich and eccentric golfers.) It is important for us to be of individual. It is important for us not to conform to events or the styles of others. It is important for us to be as we are choosing and we are developing our own style. In the 8th dimension this will be greatly accepted.”

I realize Charlie is correct and I immediately cease all worry about how he will choose to appear or what he decides to wear when we are in that non-dual dimension.




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